moving home

If you decide to move out of your believe housing property, there are a few things you'll need to do before leaving your home.

Things to consider before moving out …

If you decide you’re leaving your home, you must give us four weeks’ notice. Once you give us your four weeks’ notice, an officer will arrange an appointment to inspect your home.

  • Replace any broken or damaged items that belong to us, as you will be charged for any repairs that are not a result of fair wear and tear.
  • Make sure your property is empty and you remove all possessions and rubbish from both inside and outside of your home before you leave.
  • Leave the property clean and tidy, as you will be charged if we have to carry out any housekeeping and rubbish removal duties after you have gone.
  • Pay all rent and other charges up to the date of the end of your tenancy.
  • Make arrangements to pay any arrears, as we will not be able to offer you another home until you do so.
  • All keys need to be returned to believe housing and your neighbourhood officer will advise and agree and arrangements with you. Please note that you may be charged if we have to replace any keys or locks.
  • Please make sure your home is left safe and secure checking all doors and windows.
  • Give us your new address and phone number.
  • Redirect your mail and tell everyone who needs to know your change of address, including your energy providers who will arrange to disconnect your supply on a set date and send your final bill to your new address.

let us know you're leaving your home...

Please let us know by filling in the form below.

Alternatively, you can email us at, or write to us at Coast House, Spectrum 4, Spectrum Business Park, Seaham, SR7 7TT.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

In Your Home

When you rent a home with us, you can be assured that you will have access to a range of support services to set up and sustain your tenancy.

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Help and Support

We are committed to providing services to help you maintain your tenancy, from paying rent, budgeting, energy efficiency, and getting on with neighbours.

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