seasonal updates

Keep up to date with our useful tips on keeping your home in working order throughout every season.

We’re here to help you keep your home and garden in tip-top condition

Everyone’s home and garden is different and will need different levels of maintenance to keep them in good order.

But here are a few things to think about over the summer, which should help keep your home looking and feeling good and help prevent issues which need greater work in the future.

Remember, some home alterations are not allowed on any believe housing properties, and some jobs can be dangerous, illegal, or require planning permission from the council.

You must not start work on your home until you get permission from us and agree to any conditions.

summer tips

If you are spending extra time outdoors during the summer, you might notice the odd job that needs doing to the outside of your home and garden.

We have some easy-to-follow self-help videos if you feel able to carry out minor repairs yourself, which require minimal tools.

how to refix a paling | believe housing how to fix a gate catch | believe housing  how to repoint and rejoint a wall | believe housing

From the ground and using binoculars if needed, you can check the roof and guttering for damage and blockages due to debris, weeds and moss. This can prevent damp and damage.

See our self-help videos how to check your roof | believe housing how to clear a gully | believe housing

But please, never try to carry out any roofing repairs on your own.

If you spot any problems, all non-emergency repairs can be reported on our app or online portal. Alternatively call 0300 1311 999 to request an emergency repair.

As plants start to grow, so do lawns and weeds. Try to keep your garden looking tidy so it looks good and you can enjoy it.

For details of Durham County Council’s garden waste collection service visit Garden waste collections – Durham County Council

As temperatures start to rise you may be able to turn down your thermostat. If you have an Air Source Heat Pump installed at your home it is important to adhere to the guidance issued and do not adjust the settings.

Make use of good weather days by drying laundry outside.

Nothing beats the smell of clean clothes, fresh off the washing line and drying outside can prevent condensation indoors.

For tips on how to identify and prevent damp, condensation and mould issues inside your home watch damp and condensation – identification | believe housing

Now might be a good time to wash larger items such as duvets. And remember to wash full loads when possible, as a washing machine uses the same energy and water even if it is doing half a load.

We all love it when the sun is shining, but it will show up the state of your windows so try to keep them clean.

Think about home security. Don’t let opportunist thieves take advantage of doors and windows being left open. Remember to lock your doors and sheds and if you’ve had the windows open on a warm day, remember to shut them.

If you are able to lock your windows in an open position, this will help also help airflow in your home.

Spending more time outside can inspire you to think about DIY projects around the home and garden.

But remember, some work can only be carried out by believe housing or approved contractors.

We may allow you to put new fencing, gates, a shed or hot tub in your garden but you’ll need to contact us first for permission.

If you are thinking about adding a patio, decking or driveway we need full details of contractors, risk assessments, method statements and public liability insurance before considering your application.

Some alterations are not allowed, including ponds.

To discuss work you want to do to your home, or to apply for permission, call the Tenant Led Alterations Team at believe housing on 0300 1311 999.


While you are welcome to do some DIY around your home, some work can only be carried out by believe housing or approved contractors. To discuss work you want to do to your home, or to apply for permission, get in touch with us.

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We are committed to delivering a high-quality, modern and effective repairs service and to provide homes that are comfortable, maintained and safe for people to live in.

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DIY Guides

Take a look at our range of self-help videos showing you how to carry out simple repair tasks yourself.

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