a message from our chief executive, bill fullen

This month sees one of the most important dates yet in the national fight against coronavirus. But it’s clear that the positive news of reduced restrictions also comes at the same time as some concerning news about cases and isolation.

It’s the same at believe housing. You’ll be seeing more of our people in your community as some of our neighbourhood services can resume in person once more. But the changing coronavirus picture does bring with it some new difficulties.

Just like many other organisations, we’re now seeing the impact that coronavirus related isolations are having on our workforce. Already more than 10% of our frontline staff have been instructed to isolate and current trends suggest that it’s likely to increase.

We know that nothing is worse for our customers than an unreliable service, so we’d rather be honest and upfront about the challenges we’re facing, and how we’re trying to deal with the situation.

At the moment the area most impacted by coronavirus isolations is our repairs service. This is the biggest service we provide to customers, so it’s perhaps obvious that it will also be the one where we see any issues first.

From Tuesday, 20 July we’ll be making some temporary changes to our repairs service so that we can continue to provide reliability for the repairs that matter most to our customers. This means the only new appointments available for the time being, will be for safety critical work like gas and electric checks.

I can’t stress enough that safety of our customers remains our number one priority. Anyone working in homes and communities still has access to all of the personal protective equipment necessary. And we’ll still be checking-in with you before we arrive to talk through any concerns and make sure that you aren’t suffering from coronavirus, has symptoms, or is isolating.

This might not be how we were hoping summer would go, and I know some of you will be frustrated that obstacles still arise as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But I can assure you that we will continue to do everything in our powers to offer the best, and safest, possible services to all of our customers.

We’ll be reviewing the situation on a weekly basis and providing the most up-to-date information to customers on the believe housing website and through our customer newsletter ‘believe housing news’.

Best wishes

Bill Fullen

Chief Executive, believe housing
