antisocial behaviour tackled

More than 1,500 breaches of tenancy, including antisocial behaviour cases, have been dealt with by believe housing in the last six months.

The housing association has a team of expert Officers who are working to reduce problems in communities and make customers feel safer in their home. The most serious cases are dealt with by a dedicated team of Safer Neighbourhoods Officer who have substantial experience of dealing with complicated issues. The teams work closely with the police and Local Authorities to take appropriate action wherever necessary.

In the six months from April to October 2021, more than 1,900 antisocial behaviour or tenancy breach concerns were raised. Of those, more than 1,500 were dealt with and closed.

Action taken has included possession orders, an injunction against the people responsible for antisocial behaviour and even eviction. A total of 23 legal notices were served against the people responsible for the tenancy breaches or anti-social behaviour. Work with police also saw two ‘closure orders’ issued, prohibiting people from accessing properties that have been involved in antisocial behaviour.

Safer Neighbourhoods Manager at believe housing, Karen Gardner, said: “We take a very serious approach to antisocial behaviour, and we want all our customers to feel safe and comfortable in their home. That often means working closely with police and other agencies that can help us to tackle the most concerning of problems.

“The team are working every day to investigate problems and find the best possible solution to restore peace. Where we have evidence that a tenant is breaching the terms of their tenancy, appropriate action will be taken.

Anyone with concerns about antisocial behaviour or other issues in their community can contact believe housing on 0300 1311 999 or report their concerns using the customer portal.

Issues with crime can also be reported anonymously through CrimeStoppers, an independent charity that guarantees never to share the details of anyone contacting them. Visit the CrimeStoppers website or call 0800 555 111 to report concerns.