have your say on new tenant satisfaction measures

believe housing and social housing tenants across England have the opportunity to share their opinions on new proposals to track the performance of social landlords.

The Regulator of Social Housing is proposing new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) as part of changes suggested in the government’s ‘Charter for Social Housing Residents – Social Housing White Paper’ published in 2020. Under the new measures, social landlords would need to provide data relating to their performance and the quality of their service.

The new TSMs make the performance of landlords more visible for tenants. It is hoped they will provide a valuable resource for tenants and local communities and social landlords themselves.

TSMs will also aim to inform the Regulator of Social Housing how landlords could improve different areas for their tenants.

The Regulator of Social Housing is now seeking views on these proposals from tenants and landlords. To participate in the consultation, follow this link to read the supporting documents and access the survey. If you are already familiar with the TSMs proposals, you can go straight to the survey here.

Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for believe housing, Rachel Edmunds, said: “This consultation period for the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures is a great opportunity for you to influence decision making at the highest level. If you have the chance, I recommend having your say on these new measures and help to shape how you can track your social landlord’s performance.”

The consultation period for the Tenant Satisfaction Measures is open until 6.30pm on Thursday, 3 March 2022.