say no to cold calling

Believe housing have been made aware of cold callers visiting properties in various areas of the County. In some cases, their approach has been persistent, causing both upset and annoyance with a failure to identify who they are and what they are there for.

Believe housing would like to alert our customers of the following:

  • All of our employees and contractors carry identification cards. External agencies we employ also carry a letter of authorisation issued by us. Always ask to see some form of identification before you let anyone into your home.
  • Should you be in any doubt as to an individual identifying as believe staff call us on 0300 1311 999 to check that they are believe housing staff before allowing access.
  • While it is not an offence to simply cold call, we would always urge residents to be extremely cautious when dealing with unsolicited visitors.
  • Do keep an eye on your area and especially vulnerable neighbours. Has work started unexpectedly on their homes? Is the work visibly poor or been left unfinished? Is the person anxious about what has happened? Has a trader accompanied them to the bank?
  • Do report suspicious cold callers the police on 101.