technology results revealed

A survey has found that around 75% of believe housing customers are keen to see more use of smart technology around their home.

Hundreds of believe housing customers were contacted for the survey, which was conducted by the same people who carried out the annual Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR).

The results from the survey have now been thoroughly analysed and produced some surprising results. It found that around 40% of customers initially had some uncertainty around what smart technology in their home could look like.

But when asked about technology that could make their home cheaper to run, or even monitor homes to ensure repairs could be carried out before they became urgent, 85% of customers were keen to see it installed. An even higher proportion of customers thought that technology would be useful in improving safety around the home,

The survey also found that many customers are already using some smart technology in their home, like smart speakers or other devices that take voice commands. Almost 65% of customers surveyed said they had no worries about increasing the amount of smart technology in their home.

Sam Tullock, Strategic Assets Business Leader at believe housing, said: “Most people we spoke to were very keen on the benefits smart technology could have in their home, particularly if it was going to help save them money.

“This research is invaluable in helping us set the future direction of how we can improve homes and make life easier for our customers.”